Ich unterstütze und helfe Frauen
Sei glücklich, nicht weil alles gut ist,
sondern weil du das gute in allem sehen kannst.
Meine Dienstleistungen
Ich biete Beratungsdienste an, die sich auf junge Frauen spezialisiert haben, die eine Scheidung durchmachen
oder alleinerziehende Mütter sind.
Leben ist das, was passiert, während du eifrig dabei bist, andere Pläne zu machen.
7 Steps How To Get Over a Divorce
…a short guide for women just before or after a divorce.
My short and effective ebook will help you to get over this challenging time in your life. Read it today!
I am Hildegarda Horínková
… and I work with great women – those who want to improve their lives.
As a Life Coach, mental and physical well-being is very important to me, and because I am a completely imperfect human being.
Through my own journey I have learned a lot.
I am a graduate psychologist and am currently training to become a licensed couples therapist. With a pinch of personal trainer knowledge and a dash of spirituality, I offer my clients a holistic approach to help them find their own best version.